Hello, I'm Rosemary!
I am a wife, mother and grandmother and have been working in Natural Family Planning (NFP) for over 40 years. I attended the Pope Paul VI FertilityCare Program and am a Natural Family Planning Practitioner. I graduated from Doane College, Lincoln magna cum laude with a BA in Human Relations. I am a certified member of the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals.
Natural Family Planning of Nebraska was incorporated as a 501(c)3 and, under Natural FertilityCare Center, is an affiliate of the FertilityCare Center of America.
Women are tired of taking drugs and using devices that wreak havoc on their bodies, mind and spirit.
We are in a society that values knowledge and is in need of the truth. As men and women learn about the gift of fertility and how it affects every aspect of our lives, they are wowed at the beautiful design of the body and its functions. Men and women develop a greater respect for their sexuality as they chart the woman’s cycle and learn about SPICE.
Natural Family Planning and the Creighton Model FertilityCare System is the most enjoyable ministry and passion outside of my family and faith. Family and faith fuels my passion to educate the world around me of the advantages spiritually, physically, intellectually, creatively/communicatively, and emotionally of the FertilityCare System and NFP.
My passion is teaching women and couples about God’s design for womanhood and manhood. Children are seen as a gift and the divorce rate is less than 5% with couples using Natural Family Planning.
"A child is where a couple's love becomes so REAL..they have to give it a name." ~ Scott Hahn
Let me know how I can help you understand your fertility and sexuality. I look forward to meeting you in person and learning how I might be of service to you. Give the office a call. . .schedule an introductory session . . .come explore a healthy option for achieving pregnancy, avoiding pregnancy or troubleshooting your cycle and reproductive health."
3200 W. Pleasant Hill Rd.
Lincoln, NE 68523-9243
By Appointment
or check out our scheduled intro sessions
Board of Directors: |
Megan Dolton, Vice President |
Rosemary Clements, Director |
Dawn Campos, Secretary |
Mark Dolton, President |
Rick Campos, Treasurer |