Natural Family Planning of Nebraska
has a Lending Library!
Books, Audiotapes and VHS videotapes about the Creighton FertilityCare System, Natural Family Planning, breastfeeding, and teen information are available, including the PICTURE DICTIONARY.
You may check these out with the appropriate amount of security deposit in the form of cash or check for the item. Your deposit is returned when library items are returned on time. If the items are not returned after six weeks, or deposited without notice if items are not returned after six weeks.
Materials are checked out for one month. If the materials are not returned after six weeks, your security will be deposited in our bank without notice.
There will be a replacement charge for damaged or lost books.
Below are samples of materials we have available.
The following resources are available to give you information about the Creighton Model and NaProTECHNOLOGY
- Creighton Model FertilityCare System Website
- FertilityCareTM Centers of America
- St. Paul VI Institute
- American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals
- Doctor Hilgers Website
- Natural Womanhood
- Breast Cancer Prevention Institute
- One More Soul
Hormone Health Books